To use this menu, you must have the latest version of the gamepad's firmware installed.
You can set power-save sleeping time, LED brightness, calibration stick & trigger keys, and naming of gamepad
Sleeping time: 30 min is the default value, can adjust it to 5,10, 60 min.
LED Brightness: Adjust 15 steps, but no allow to switch off completely
Calibration of a stick, trigger
Calibration for Sticks (L-Stick, R-Stick)
When you using a gamepad sometimes or heavily, the position of the analog stick or trigger could be non-centered. In such a case, this calibration app can adjust the position accordingly again to be centered.
Select stick icon (LS/RS)
Draw stick and release it, move it to the center point
Calculating center value, waiting until complete.
Move the stick to each direction and wait until completed. Up→ down→ left→ right direction by turn.
All steps end, check its position point
If you press CANCEL, the calibration process will be canceled.
Calibration of trigger (LT/RT, a.k.a. L2/R2)
If the trigger value is not O when it is idle status without moving, or if it is not reaching the max value when the triggered is fully pulled.
Start trigger calibration (LT/RT)
Pull it maximum and release slowly
Calculating center value, waiting until complete.
According to pop-up, push trigger, and wait the progress bar moves.
After calibration complete, check its function and save to exit
If you press CANCEL, the calibration process will be canceled.